Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This movie and blog post has helped me get Remo and Juliet better, just reading the book would not help because in my option the book is almost out of date and hard to read.  With our class 6th hour  we had act 5 meaning we only had todo that act.
Others classes I think did not soke up the play like we did, we under stood how shakes per wrote it and how when nothing rhymed he would make a word. Oddly that would sound normal.we understood what they wear thinking and the way that they talked during the time.
                Remo and Juliet wear two teens that could not be together. In out movie it was two high schoolers that could not be together, yes the orginal words wear not used we made it our own by changing the words. To do this we had toget what the play was about we also changed the setting .
This progect dose work and dsoe help u under stand the play and book. We just made it a movie if we just read the book it would be boring and we wouldn’t learn much

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