Tuesday, April 26, 2011


This movie and blog post has helped me get Remo and Juliet better, just reading the book would not help because in my option the book is almost out of date and hard to read.  With our class 6th hour  we had act 5 meaning we only had todo that act.
Others classes I think did not soke up the play like we did, we under stood how shakes per wrote it and how when nothing rhymed he would make a word. Oddly that would sound normal.we understood what they wear thinking and the way that they talked during the time.
                Remo and Juliet wear two teens that could not be together. In out movie it was two high schoolers that could not be together, yes the orginal words wear not used we made it our own by changing the words. To do this we had toget what the play was about we also changed the setting .
This progect dose work and dsoe help u under stand the play and book. We just made it a movie if we just read the book it would be boring and we wouldn’t learn much

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

comeing down to the end

the play when it was first made was only .25 cents
they have more things for romoe and julet then anthing from cards to shirts they have bears they have shoes. the play was so big. poeple who did not have the $ togo see it they would have to hear about it from people who could. evertrly a book was made and most poeple could read it. it was scuh a big thing. it was all over evrywear i dont think their was a person who didnt know about it. evryone knew about it.

only .25

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It is allmost the time for our act in the paly that is exiting.
we are fliming next week. we should be done flimng in like two hours
then that means we are done with the movie and its redy tobe edited.
then that also means that we have spring break:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

even Logner

more thoguths of mine would be that for the facebook page the porlife pic could be mixing of the colors. mixing red and white together. to make pink in the center.
this is a ruff draft that i made in paint..ew. the real one should be much better conciter that a scatch. 
so act one is done. act two will start fillming on wensday so im told that means we are up soon :). our act is ussuly rely boring but i think this one will be diffrent evryone in this hour is trying realy hard on what they wear assined.
act 5 will be the best. 

blog nummber 3


once aigen being at school while working on this is kindia a dis advantage. i did make the facebook page but still yet to make the profiles. i was going to post the link ...but i forgot my email for this site and the school email was down so i was not able to post the link. what else i was going to work on...even throw it is not my job i think it would be cool and make a poster thing for the facebook page. i was thinking out using photoshop and making the letters made out of gold because at the end of the pay remo dad promises to make a monument of them out of gold.
also adding maybe a dager and the possin on the sides driping down
just my toughts

Friday, March 25, 2011

what i was thinking

the facebooks are made, their is one for Romeo and Juliet. and one for our class.
ill put up the link when i get home because facebook is not allowed on school computers.
i think I'm going to try to get in touch with Romeo and Juliet so i can link the facebooks to their facebook maybe i don't know yet.
dose anyone have any thoughts of what else i could do?
maybe i would make a fan page and more profiles for more charters.
i could also create reminders on facebook to tell actors when they would be acting and at what time and wear. what would happn is that maybe less people would be yelled at for forgeting and not getting marked down for not showing up. or something i have no clue. maybe i will add something like that.

have a good day dudes :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

what is going on??

The facebook for the page should be up tomarow. it will be on facebook i will put up a picture and aloso a link up :). evryone in 6th hour should join the facebook page. so that they all can see what is going on.
people can post pics on the page and also links to the blogs and wickie. it should be up by 2marow or late tonight. the name for the page will most likey be mr.ps 6th hour romo and julet.
i will be posting every monday from now on. :) looking frowed to fb page

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

day one

This project should be vary fun and exiting. being in social media i will be makeing a facebook and maybe a twitter (witch i have never used befor). the facebook page should be a way to have all the cast and "crew" have a place to talk about the play with outing going threw the school.
anyway i will be makeing the facebook ...as soon as im  not grounded and have my computer back witch will be soon... hopefully :)